Encounter with A Lost Angel

        Year 1 pupils were no joke. Some be growling like wolves, while some be talking nonstop like woodpeckers. They were the epitome of apocalypse. I really felt like going home after my class with them ended. Fortunately, the next class I would relieve was a year 3 class. While I was approaching 3 Zeta, which was at the end of the corridor, I saw a young girl who was wandering alone at the hallway.

            “Why are you still here? Get into the class!”

            It annoyed me a little, seeing her still wandering around after recess when everybody else was already prepared for the next lesson. She looked at me in disbelief. Her eyes widened and she pointed her index finger to herself.

            “Yes, I’m talking to you,” I let out a heavy sigh before dragging this sneaky little girl to get into the classroom.

            “Which one is your class? I’m bringing you back to your teacher.” Whatever, I was too tired to nag anyway. My ‘teacher’ energy had drained after the previous class.

            She stopped me, grabbing my hand so tightly that I couldn’t walk. What a stubborn kid! I was about to scold her but…

            “Can you see me? Can you really see me?” asked the girl in excitement.

            Wow, suddenly the atmosphere became quiet and I just realised that her hand was super cold like an ice where blue veins could be seen. I looked at her again to confirm.

            Pale skin, blood-stained worn-out clothes, old dry bruises, and watery red eyes.   

            What a sight. I was confused… should I run away in fright or offer her a warm hug?

            “Can I really join the class?” despite her frightening appearance, the way she talked was surprisingly polite.

            “Education is for everyone. Any pupils should be and feel welcomed being in the class,” what a very philosophical thing to say to a child.

            “Then tell me why my best friend, Trisha doesn’t talk to me anymore.” She dragged me to a corner and pointed at a girl who happened to pass by us.

            “Good afternoon, teacher.” Trisha’s greeted me with her sweet smile. I nodded a little in response to her greeting. Her eyes were completely on me as if I were really alone here.

            “Look! Trisha didn’t even say hi to me.” This mysterious little girl was about to tear up. Oh no, she’s going to cry? Urgh… Come on, do something dear self! Do something!

            I wanted to comfort her so bad but hey, hugging invisible ghosts would make me seem like hugging myself. Patting her shoulder is better than nothing, right?

            “I knew why they are ignoring me…because I’m dead…” her voice trembled as her shoulders shrugged. I gently rubbed her head.

            “You’re wrong. You’re still alive in their hearts.”

            “How about you join my class for today? I’ll be conducting a game,”

            She stopped sobbing and nodded lightly. Later, she started to smile again. “Let’s go!”


            Why would you feel abandoned, little Sandra? Your friends didn’t even erase your name from the class name list until now.


  1. Why is this so heartbreaking? Congratulations for making me tear up!

  2. This make me feel like I'm reading some kind of novels! Your writing is really good, it has made me feel the emotions

  3. It was kinda quite scary but cute at the same time. Very creative, maybe could make horror stories after this.

  4. Nice writing! I really like the words you used ✨

  5. I thought it was going to be a horror story or something but it ended up being a wholesome piece of writing!

    1. Yah, I thought the same too because the blood picture.

  6. Good writing. The story ended up well!

  7. She is such a sweet girl. I really want to know what exactly the cause of her death at such a young age. Good writing!


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